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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Recently I visited the church of a friend. I was surprised to see that the Pastor had a personal Cheerleader. She wasn't just any cheerleader, she was also a minister sitting in the pulpit. She shouted during the entire sermon. Not just "Amen". But "you saying something Pastor....preach.....that's it right there...." And a few others.  For me it was a huge distraction. I know that I am easily distracted, so I typically choose not to sit in the back of the church. That way don't see everything that's going on in between me and the pulpit. But she was in the pulpit and therefore a major distraction. I'm used to occasional outbursts, Amen's, and crowd participation. But this woman was solo!! A few times she shouted out before the Pastor could complete the statement. Go ahead....laugh with me because I know you can imagine and probably have seen what I am describing. I am a serious note taker during service, but I had no notes from this experience.

Because this was not my norm, it was a distraction that I couldn't seem to shake. Every time she shouted out....I was caught off guard so I couldn't hear or receive what the Pastor was saying. In my mind, I missed the entire message because I was focused on the wrong thing. I felt like she was an intentional distraction. This experience helped me to see that sometimes God will do that from time to time....set up distractions so you avoid things that weren't meant for you or mean you no good.

Recently, Bishop Neil C. Ellis spoke to our congregation and he advised us "in adversity, the last thing you need is people speaking from the can't get a spiritual release because your head is too crowded." (12/12/10) Ok, I know what you are thinking....I was at church listening to a Pastor expecting to hear God's word. But every Pastor does not have a rhema word for you!! While I was doing the good and right thing by going to church, trying to be in a sanctuary, I wasn't hearing what God had for me on that day because I really shouldn't have been there. I should have listened for God's instructions and been obedient to that.

My soil (spirit) is very fertile right now and it can't have just anything planted in it because that is what will grow. God knows what needs to come from me and He is making sure that my soil is not compromised. He allowed me to experience what He knew would disrupt me and keep me from taking in what was not meant for me. I encourage you to appreciate your distractions....they have meaning and purpose in your life. God is with you always and protects you at all times. Even when you are doing a good thing at the wrong time.
Luv Ya!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes sister,
    Distractions can teach us a lot, if we pay attention! :)
